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Avaris road eBike battery

30th November

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How long does an eBike battery last?

The technology behind an eBike is powered by its battery. When looking to purchase one, it’s natural to be concerned about how long a battery can really last.

Whether you’re investing in an electric bike to boost your fitness levels, tackle challenging rides or do your bit for the environment, it’s a purchase you likely want to enjoy for years to come. Most technology comes with a limited lifespan – it’s unlikely that you’ll still have the same phone you do now 20 years down the line. So, does the same apply to electric bikes?

In this blog, we’ll cover how long an eBike battery lasts, and share our tips and tricks to make it last that little bit longer.

How long does a battery last on an electric bike?

Generally speaking, a high-quality eBike battery can last anywhere from 2 – 5 years. Of course, that depends on a number of things including the type of battery itself and just how well you take care of it.

The most common battery found in electric bikes nowadays is a lithium battery. Long-lasting, these batteries can usually withstand around 1,000 charge cycles – so you’re sure to get a fair few years of cycling out of it, especially if you take into consideration just how far each one of those charges can get you.

The Avaris Road eBike, for example, is powered by a Samsung 26V 10.4AH lithium battery which allows you to ride for up to 80 K on a single full charge.

samsung ebike battery

How to extend the life of your eBike battery

eBike batteries usually account for around one-third of the price of the bike itself, and the bike is essentially redundant without it. So, it’s an important asset that you’ll want to do everything you can to keep in tip-top condition.

As with anything, proper care and maintenance will help to extend its lifespan and ensure you’re riding for longer without having to replace the battery. So, here are our top tips for getting the most out of it:

Store it at the correct temperatures

eBike batteries are generally robust and durable, built to withstand the harshest conditions on the toughest rides. Good quality eBikes are generally fine to ride in extremely hot or cold temperatures without any impact on the battery. However, the way you store your battery is what’s important.

Whilst it may be rare to experience a blistering hot UK summer, sometimes that does happen. In these conditions, don’t lock your bike up under the direct heat of sunlight and leave your battery in it – take it out, or park it in the shade and keep it sheltered at the very least. The same goes for extremely cold temperatures and damp or wet environments.

avaris electric bike

Don’t submerge it in water

Whilst this may seem fairly obvious, it’s important to point out that eBikes are water-resistant not waterproof. Sure, eBikes can be used in the rain and endure the wettest of weather conditions, but submerging the battery entirely in water is one way to reduce its lifespan. If water penetrates inside the battery it’s likely to affect it, as with any other type of electric device.

Charge it properly

The key to getting the most life out of your eBike battery is to follow smart charging etiquette. The idea is to not let the charge drop too low, and avoid re-charging it too often when unnecessary.

The ideal charge range is between 30% – 80%. Trying to keep it between these numbers will take less of a toll on the battery compared to frequently charging it from empty to full, or overcharging it when there is still plenty of power left. Of course, there will be times where this is necessary and those odd instances won’t have too much of an impact on the battery, but try to follow best practice where you can.

Avaris Ebike Battery

Buy a spare battery

Following our guide to proper care and maintenance is of course the best way to extend the life of your eBike’s battery – but, it never hurts to have a spare. For avid eBikers, a spare battery is a must-have for ensuring those long rides continue without a glitch and giving the peace of mind that you’ll never have to be without your electric bike.
Due to popular demand, we now sell spare batteries for the Avaris Road eBike. We know that we couldn’t be without our backup plan, so now you don’t have to either. Click here to buy.

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