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20th September

Are electric bikes good for seniors? Pros and cons


How to know it’s time to change your eBike battery


What is pedal assist on an electric bike?


Mental health benefits of riding an electric bike


Does cycling build muscle?


Our favourite bike-friendly cities in the UK


Mental health benefits of riding an electric bike

Mental health has become an important topic in recent years due to the increased number of people who suffer from mental health problems. Recent studies have shown a third of adults and young people said their mental health has got much worse since March 2020. There are many aspects of our lives that bad mental health can affect, so it’s vital we prioritise it in every way we can. 

A great way of boosting your mental health is by including any form of exercise in your daily routine. Along with walking, cycling is one of the best low-impact and mostly accessible ways of exercising that comes with many mood-boosting benefits.

In today’s article, we will be diving into all of the mental health benefits you can gain from riding an electric bike. 

Releases endorphins

Cycling helps to release endorphins, also known as ‘feel-good’ chemicals, in the body. When you complete any form of exercise such as cycling, this stimulates the release of endorphins through various mechanisms and can have a huge positive effect on your mood and emotions.

When you’re cycling, especially at a moderate to high intensity, your body’s muscles are constantly working hard and asking for more oxygen. This increased demand can trigger your endorphins to help cope with the perceived stress on the body. Another way cycling can promote your endorphins to be released is by cycling through natural settings. The combination of fresh air, exposure to nature, and physical activity can enhance the release of endorphins.

long shot of biker with ebike

Riding an eBike is sociable

Riding an eBike is also great for you mentally as it is a sociable activity. You can ride with your friends, family, and fellow cyclings you meet on your journey. This can encourage positive conversation and laughter, which is great for the mind. In time, the more you ride socially the more cycling adventures will stack up for you, which gives you plenty of memories to look back on with pride. 

It gives you a goal to work towards

A great benefit riding an electric bike can provide for you is it gives you a goal to work towards. There’s no better feeling than accomplishing a target, and cycling is no different. Once you’ve developed a habit of cycling regularly you can set yourself weekly or monthly goals to reach, which is a great way of improving your mood and self-esteem. 

Midshot of Avaris ebike

Lowers stress levels

We’ve all been heavily stressed before. It’s not great mentally, but sometimes we can’t help it due to a number of reasons. However, if you’re looking to reduce the amount of stress you’re carrying, riding an electric bike is the perfect way to do so. Cycling in general is a form of aerobic exercise which means throughout the workout your heart rate will be high and increase the blood flow through the body; which engages various muscle groups. This can help reduce stress hormones such as cortisol while increasing the production of endorphins, which we discussed in our previous section. 

When you cycle, you’re constantly focused on the road and your surroundings. You’re not worried about personal issues, just the road and anything you may encounter. This mindfulness can distract you from any negative thoughts you’re having and allow you to be present in the moment. This sense of relaxation will lower your stress levels more than you realise; don’t miss out on it. 

In addition, another way using an eBike can reduce your stress levels is by improving your sleep quality. Sleep is a crucial part of our routine as it allows our body to recharge and get ready for the next day. However, for one reason or another, some people can struggle with this. There are many reasons why this may be, but a great way of improving it is by getting outside and riding an eBike. Cycling regularly will push your body’s physical capabilities, which is great because it’ll tire you out quickly. With an eBike, the assistance levels allow you to go further and faster without overdoing it; which will prevent you from pushing your body too hard whilst still reaping the benefits of engaging in physical activity.

Here at Avaris, our Odysey Electric Mountain Bike has 5 assistance levels to help and support you on your journey. Its impressive 720Whr battery gives up to 180km distance on a single charge so you can ride for longer and accomplish your goals. 

Helps with anxiety and depression

The final health benefit you can gain from riding an electric bike is it can help to ease feelings of anxiety and depression. Anxiety and depression are huge mental obstacles many people across the globe experience on a frequent basis. Sadly, this can’t always be removed completely, but you can take certain steps to reduce it, and taking up cycling could be one of them. 

Riding an eBike can have huge antidepressant effects. This form of exercise helps to regulate neurotransmitters like serotonin and norepinephrine, which play a role in mood regulation. Recent studies have shown this to be the case, so it’s important to start spreading awareness. Also, when you’re completing a cycle it can boost your self-esteem. Gradually increasing your distance and speed will boost your self-confidence, and riding an electric bike will definitely help with this. At Avaris, our 3.6 road bike can travel a huge 80km on a single charge, allowing you to push your boundaries more frequently. 

All of the previous benefits mentioned work together to significantly impact any feelings of anxiety or depression. Whether you’re cycling alone or with friends, the endorphins released can help you to develop a more positive outlook on life as you enjoy the great outdoors. Having a goal to work towards gives you a distraction from what’s going on in your mind and provides a sense of achievement. All of this combined with physical exertion at the end of the day will naturally mean your body and mind will want to relax, reducing any feelings of anxiety and depression. Give it a chance.

We hope you’ve enjoyed reading our latest article on the benefits of an electric bike on our mental health. Let us know your thoughts on this topic by getting in touch with our team today!
If you’re looking for a new eBike and aren’t sure which is the best one for you, we can help you here at Avaris. Our Avaris eBikes have been designed to the highest quality – you don’t want to miss out on these beauties!

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