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Guides, News and Information

26th February

Best eBike under £2,000? Why Avaris ticks every box

With nine assistance levels, Bluetooth technology and a full-touch screen display, the Avaris eBike is one of the best under £2,000.

14th January

eBike cystic fibrosis charity ride

Find out more about how we donated one of our electric bikes for use in a cystic fibrosis charity bike ride.

5th January

A simple guide to eBikes

New to eBikes and want to find out more? We've written the ultimate guide to eBikes, introducing you to the future of cycling.

1st August

Why employers should back the eBike

Are you an employer looking to make use of a cycle to work scheme? Here's why you should consider the ebike as an option for your staff.

23rd July

Top tips for eBike commuters

Using your new eBike to commute to and from your workplace? We've put together some key tips on how best to do so safely and conveniently.

10th July

6 ways to make the most of Your eBike

Invested in an electric bike for the first time and want to get the most out of it? We've put together some tips on how to utilise it best.

9th July

5 reasons you should invest in an eBike

With benefits for your health and the environment, there are many reasons buying an eBike is a wise investment.